Friday, September 14, 2007


welcome to the new and improved blog! Ive updated it with about half of all my pictures from this past summer down there. dont worry, the rest are still coming, I just haven't had time to put them up yet, and also, all the old ones are still here, you just have to click the archive links down the side of the page. And while some of you may have seen a couple of the posts on here (two of them are from a little bit ago) I put new posts both above and below those posts, so make sure you dont miss any pics you might be in! (I wanted to keep the story going cronologically - how do you spell that?) so needless to say, pics from the beginning of the summer are at the bottom and Ill end at the top. just click on any picture to go to the enlarged version, and then you can save them from there (or you can save them small too - your choice!) and if anyone wants a pic in its origenal size (which is HUGE) just email me and let me know at erika_stolle at or erika.stolle at (I dont know which of the two email addresses I gave you guys!), or if you want to email me pics... write me there as well
and definately say hello when you get a chance!

Sunday, November 19, 2006

these are the last!

well, these are the last of all the pics! hope you have enjoyed them!

oh yep, is that... no way.. really?... why yes is is! the THIRD kitchen sink

And these are from the day I got to hang out with justin and leo - starting it off on the tram to animal kingdom. justin had brought mouse ears from property control - good call my friend

I thought this was amazing - and well, it was - so I had to take a couple pictures!
and then we volunteered to be the people that get soaked in the beginning of the backlot tour, and it was awesome! the only thing was that we never got to see the finished video. the BEFORE shot:

and the AFTER shot:

then this is a picture of me talking to me mom while having an absolutely huge eye - they had to call an alpha unit for me, which was definately one of the most embarrassing things Ive experienced at disneyworld..

and I spotted this in the pharmacy after tracy took me to the hospital (which, thanks again tracy - you were so completely awesome for doing that) - it totally looks like echo! going on the blog - you betcha

then these are all from the last night of work - oh man.
me and aled

Last Night!

for awhile they had been having three of the fab five in our building together, and although I missed them then, I was able to steal a pic with minnie and mickey while still in costume

the wonderful crew

leo and I - I finally got him to smile in a picture, only trouble is, I was definately making myself laugh harder

then for my last time watching wishes, I went to fantasy land

The girls on the last night

Then everyone came out on my last night at PI - you guys are awesome, thanks

and I dont remember either of these guys names, but I know the one on the right works with echo, and they were the most hilarious duo at 8trax, oh man, my gut hurt from laughing

group pic! (almost everyone's in it..)

dancin the night away...

interesting... but definately what makes it so much fun

tammy and I

tracy and I

nicole and scottie

me and brandon

oh yeah

thriller in typical thriller fashion

old roomates - I hadn't seen candice in a couple weeks!

and then charlotte and I


fantasmic + leo and fish

we'll start this one out with a random pic of leo - I think this was his and garry's first day of training

the to fantasmic! although this is an incredibly difficult show to take pictures of!

here come the love scenes and princesses - although again, SO hard to take good pictures of

then the part that gives me tingles

ok, and I know these are from epcot, but Im tacking them on the end anyways

I always liked these guys

and a few more fireworks from epcot for your viewing enjoyment

the one good part about when its extremely smoky